3WM Project

What is 3WM Project?
3WM is a global industrial project dedicated to protect the environment and improving living conditions. Our ambition is to revolutionize the way we manage waste and plastics, the way we treat water, the way we move, by creating the world’s largest network of bioenergy plants and the world’s first green intelligence network.
The planet is experiencing unprecedented widespread pollution that threatens the life of ecosystems and living things.
Waste is piling up everywhere, all the time, especially plastic waste, which has become an omnipresent major poison. In
addition, 2.1 billion people do not have access to drinking water and the resulting mortality rate is exorbitant and
unacceptable. Finally, the mobility and transport facilitated, which punctuate our way of life, without being the first issue in
terms of pollution, reduce each day a little more the air quality, and have disastrous consequences for our health and the
3WM is a global project fighting pollution of soil, water and air. We have created a virtuous environmental circle
based on blockchain and revolutionary industrial technologies, disruptive and patented, waste recovery,
purification of water, improved mobility modes.
Resulting from the committed and humanist vision of a group of Swiss and French founders, 3WM brings an
unprecedented response, concrete project for the future of the planet, and profitable for its investors :
• We transform 100% of waste into energy by developing the 1st global network of clean and autonomous factories
transforming 100% of waste into energy.
• We create a virtuous circle of depollution by paying in 3WM token waste collection and ecological actions.
• We treat water by making it drinkable and accessible to as many people as possible.
• We improve transport modes to ever lower CO2 emissions.
• We are creating the world's first network of ecological centers dedicated to the protection of the environment (ETC),
dedicated to the acceleration of global green-tech projects, to research, sharing, and investment.
1- Create a world 1st plant network of waste & plastic to bioenergies
55 revolutionary plants powered by a world unique patented process with a render of 97% and without any use of external energy or any kind of pollution or reject.
2- Now waste & plastic waste have value
By changing them into bioenergies their are now considered as raw material.
3- Reward people for waste
Thanks to 3WM Platform, people can exchange waste and plastic and/or their ecological actions with 3WM Tokens.
4- Develop innovative eco- technologies of the future
Invest or/and enhance 200 new waste, water, mobility technologies
5- Create a world network of 10 Eco Tech Centers
Those centers will welcome and enhance a selection of the finest green tech companies. The first one is now live in France.
+ Crowd-sale start date: September 15th 2020 2 PM UTC
+ Crowd-sale end date: October 30th 2020 2 PM UTC
+ Minimum Crowd-sale investment amount: €100
+ Price per 3WM (with Bonus 15% included): €0,0595
+ Price per 3WM (with Bonus 10% included): €0,063
+ Conversion rate per 3WM Token: €0.07
Special bonuses:
15% Bonus up to 1’400’000’000 of 3WM sold
10% Bonus from 1’400’000’001 to 2 428 571 429 of 3WM Token sold
Maximum amount of 3WM Tokens to be sold during the Crowd-sale:
2’428’571’429 which represents €170 million of valorisation.
Q1 2010 - Q2 2018
Creation of Innovation Solar Holding AG
Starting LOGOIL ( Plastic To Fuel) project
Research & Development (Water, Waste & Mobility)
Acquisition of Patented technologies (Water, Waste & Mobility)
Q3 2018
Birth of 3WM Project
Decision to use the Blockchain and create a cryptocurrency dedicated to the project
3WM Coin Invest Group creation in Switzerland by Swiss and French investors
Q4 2018
Start strategic partnerships for 3 pillars (Water, Waste & Mobility)
Acquisition of Mulhouse building (first ETC in France)
Whitepaper conception
Q1 - Q2 2019
Development of the Pulversheim site
Advisory and team member onboarding
Q3 - Q4 2019
Investment in the «Plastic To Energy» industrial pilot, financed by equity
7 first partners decide to settle on the first 3WM ETC in France
3WM Platform development
Q1 - Q2 2020
Smart contract conception for 3WM Innovation Program
3WM Platform version 1.0
Q3 - Q4 2020
3WM Label program
Listing on crypto exchange
3WM Platform version 2.0
2021 - 2022
Creation of the 2nd 3WM ETC in Maghreb
Creation of the 3rd 3WM ETC in Middle East
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